You might not think of yourself as a carer, but ask yourself these questions:
- Do you look after anybody or do things for other people, whether family member, relative, neighbour or friend (whether you work or not)?
- Are you a young person (under 18) looking after or regularly helping someone else (family member or other person)?
- If you provide regular help and support to someone who could not cope without you then you are a carer.
Many people assume being a Carer is giving 24 hour care to a close family member and often giving up paid employment to do so. This is not the case. A caring role takes many forms and here are some interesting statistics:
- 1 in 7 of the workforce are also in caring roles.
- In our lifetime 60% of us will take on a caring role of some kind.
- Carers save the economy approximately £87 billion a year.
- All carers are entitled to an assessment regardless if the person they care for has been assessed.
The Surgery likes to register all our carers so our clinical staff are aware of your caring role and are able to support you in this. If you undertake a caring role, please register with us. The Carers forms can be collected from reception.
We are trying to raise awareness of the different services on offer in Warwickshire to help make carers’ lives a little bit easier. Services aim to ensure carers are supported in every way possible so that they are able to take on this vital role whilst maintaining their own wellbeing.
Unfortunately many people do not realise they are carers, while many who do realise are unaware that there is support available for them. If carers are directed to adult social care for a carer’s assessment they will be referred to the “Warwickshire Carer Wellbeing Service”.
Here are some local resources which may help you:
Services for all carers can be found at
Adult Health & Community Services Directorate of Warwickshire County Council (first point of contact for a Carers Assessment).
Tel: 01926 410410
And some nationwide resources:
Carers UK
Tel 020 7378 4999 or
Social care and support guide
Social care and support guide
Dementia Cafe in Tysoe – Tysoe Village Hall, Main Street, Tysoe, CV35 0TP
Tel 01295 688376