Ordering repeat prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered by:
- Dispensary email address:
- Ordering them via NHS app NHS app
- Ordering them via Patient Access Patient Access
- Ticking the items that you need on your repeat prescription tear-off slip and putting them in the letterbox. Any repeat slips put through the letterbox after prescription collection times will not be actioned until the following day, this is important to remember when allowing for the current 4 working day turnaround for collection of your medication.
- YELLOW CARD SYSTEM – when you pick up your medication you will be asked to tick what you will need the following month on the repeat ordering slip. The repeat slip must then be handed back to the staff member. The staff member will record your next collection date on your yellow card.
- You can use our online form if you are not yet registered for online services
Please do not call the Dispensary to check if your prescription is ready for collection. It will be available from 4 working days after you requested it.
We are unable to take requests for repeat medication over the phone due to the increased risk of errors being made.
Please be aware that we do not accept requests for medication from third parties this includes pharmacies.
The preferred method is the NHS app
Queries about your medication
How long will it take for my medication to be ready for collection?
If you have ordered your repeat medication via one of the online apps or by posting your repeat slip through the letterbox before the end of collection opening times we ask that you allow 4 working days before coming to collect your medication. For example; if you ordered your medication using online services before 5.30pm on a Monday for collection at Fenny Compton you can expect your medication to be ready on the Thursday. If however you ordered your medication at 8pm on a Monday your medication will not be ready until the Friday.
If you ordered your prescription to be issued and then posted onto a pharmacy of your choice, you must take into consideration the length of time of using the postal service. We do not have Electronic Prescription Services and are we are unable to routinely email your prescriptions so it is important that you manage the ordering of your medication efficiently.
If you have been advised by a member of the clinical team that they have done a prescription for you that should be collected on the day, please ensure you state which dispensary you would like to collect your medication from and be aware of our collection opening times at each site.
Please allow an extra working day for collections when there is a bank holiday
What if your medication is not on your repeat list?
Repeat prescriptions will be issued at the doctor’s discretion and are normally for patients on long-term treatment. If you think you may need a prescription for a medicine you have had before which does not appear on your repeat list, please call the surgery and press the option for the dispensary who will book you a dispensary query slot where a GP will deal with your request.
Unless advised otherwise your medication will be ready for collection in 4 working days.
Sorry, we can’t fulfil prescriptions issued by Hospital Consultants, Private Consultants or Dentists. Please take these to a convenient chemist.
Am I a dispensing or non-dispensing patient?
Current national legislation only allows us to dispense medication to patients who live more than one mile, as the crow flies, from the nearest pharmacy
Eligible patients will be registered as a dispensing patient, your medication will always be ready to collect from one of the dispensaries. You will not need to collect your prescription from us first.
Patients who are not eligible for the dispensing service can choose from one of the following three options:
- Collect their prescription (form only) from either Fenny Compton or Shenington dispensaries during our collection times.
- Arrange for a pharmacy to collect their prescription (form only) from our dispensaries on their behalf.
- Arrange for your prescription (form only) to be posted to your place of choice e.g. home or pharmacy.
Please note that you must contact your chosen pharmacy and arrange this with them yourself. If you choose to have your prescriptions (form only) posted then you must speak to your pharmacy about a SAE or supply the surgery with some yourself.
How should I dispose of used needles or sharps?
You should use a sharps bin to dispose of used needles or sharps. A sharps bin is a specially designed box with a lid that you can get on prescription from the GP. When full, the box may be collected for disposal by your local council or retuned to the dispensary.
- needles
- syringes
- lancets used with finger-pricking devices
Put needles or similar medical supplies into the sharps bin immediately after using them and do not try to take them out again. Only fill the bin to where it says “Do not fill above this line”.
Keep your sharps bin in a safe place so it’s not a risk to other people and is out of the sight and reach of children.
Disposing of your full sharps bin
Arrangements for disposing of full sharps bins vary depending where you live.
If you have a medical condition, such as diabetes, and use needles at home, your local council may be responsible for collecting your full sharps bin.
You can find out more from your local council’s website. Local councils can charge for this service, but most do not.
If you are unable to arrange the collection of your sharps bin then please safely take it to a local pharmacy or return to one of the dispensaries during our opening times.
Pharmacy services
Additional Information
Defibrillators in the Community